
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2022

gap year     Choose one of the following places and activities; read the page and take notes. (Then you will have to explain to your friends): - what you read about the country - the job you are interested in - the benefits of such a gap year - the activities you can do in your free time - important things you need to know A)  a gap year in Tanzania, to teach English: OR B) ... in South Africa, to protect animals: OR C) Ghana, to work in an orphanage: OR D) India, as a medical supporter:

test: the example of Australia


a gun culture? Webquest

Use the following websites to answer the questions:  A) When was the NRA created? B) Find at least 3 reasons why it is so powerful. C) What did the NRA say after the shooting in Uvalde? D) What are the main arguments of the NRA? E) How many children die because of gun violence every day in the USA? F) Is the situation similar in European countries? G) What can explain the difference between violence in the US and in European countries?      

Pronunciation i i: e

 TOPICS 1 Identities and exchanges  2 Private sphere and public sphere  3 Art and power  4 Citizenship and virtual worlds  5 Fictions and realities  6 Scientific innovations and responsibility  7 Diversity and inclusion  8 Territory and memory

NRA message


A brief history...
