Group work : SPEAKING

A)  Describe the pictures briefly and explain their common points and differences.


B)  Discuss:   Is a robot an asset or a threat?


a few ideas to help you:


-        When do you think robots are useful?

-        When do you think robots take men’s jobs?

-        Would you like to have a robot at home? Why or why not? What for?

-        What would you think of robots … in schools?



Group work: VOCABULARY

Make your own list of words related to the world of work

For instance:




       Staff / business hierarchy                               Looking for a job                           

    the CEO                                                       apply for…

    the board of directors                                   be hired (hire s.o)

                                                                      odd jobs



                                     THE WORLD OF WORK


        Jobs                                                         working conditions                                                      

a conductor                                                   trade unions 

a childcare assistant                                       a part-time job                                        

a surgeon                                                                                                  

an accountant






earn money/ make money






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